Centre for Quality Promotion Assurance
Director: Ms Bella Sattar
Division of Corporate Affairs
Executive Director: Mr Alan Khan
  • Advertising, Corporate Branding & Marketing
  • Communications
  • Design Studio
  • Fundraising
  • Logistics
  • Printing
  • Public Relations & Protocol
Chief Financial Officer: Mr Dheo Kumar
Registrars Office
Registrar: Mr David Hellinger
  • Academic Data and Student Records
  • Committees Administration
  • Examinations
  • Student Admissions
  • Student Administration
Technology Innovation and Partnerships
Deputy Vice Chancellor: Prof Fred Otieno
  • Business Studies Unit
  • Cooperative Education
  • Enterprise Development Unit
  • Information Technology and Support Systems
  • Institute for Water and Wastewater Technology
  • International Education and Partnerships
  • IT Academy
  • Invotech
  • Research and Postgraduate Support
  • Technology Transfer and Innovation

Institutional Support

Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Professor Nqabomzi Gawe
Human Resources
Institutional Planning:
  • Management Information Systems
  • Physical Planning
Projects and Services / Maintenance and Facilities Management
Protection Services / Health and Safety
Student Services and Development
Dean of Students: Mr Amar Singh
  • Financial Aid Services
  • Sports Centre
  • Student Counselling and Health Centre
  • Student Affairs
  • Student Housing

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